Sunday, 29 January 2012

I've Been Listening To...

Somebody That I Used To Know - GOTYE

And whilst I'm on this song, check out this video as well, for a pretty awesome cover of it. It's a shame my ukulele is too small to do that...

Sunday, 22 January 2012

God Help The Girl

      God Help The Girl is a 'new musical feature film' written by Stuart Murdoch, lead singer of Belle & Sebastian. The film centres around girl who after suffering emotional problems begins writing music with two other musicians one summer in Glasgow. With inspiration from the French New Wave (and in particular film makers Truffaut and Godard), it's sure to be a fantastic film once it's released, however at the moment there are a couple of setbacks.

      Despite the project beginning back in 2003, and having producer Barry Mendel (The Royal Tenembaums, Bridesmaids), on board, the film is lacking funds, which is where you come in! Having already raised over $70,000 of the $100,000 target, the fundraising is underway, but more money is needed in order to start filming.

      After the success of Anyone Can Play Guitar, a documentary by Jon Spira about the Oxford Music Scene (which was largely funded by generous donations from fans), I'm positive that God Help The Girl will be a huge success as well once the target is reached.

     You can donate to the project via the fundraising website Kickstarter and in return receive various 'gifts'. By pledging $15 you'll receive a printed 'thank you' postcard signed by Stuart Murdoch; $50, an exclusively designed poster or t-shirt also signed by Murdoch; or for $400 Murdoch will take you on a tour of Glasgow of all the locations used in the film. Visit Kickstarter to see a full list of what you could receive by pledging money towards the project.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Focus On: Foxes!

Album: Foxes!
Record label: Big Salad Records
Genre: Indie-Pop
For fans of: Au Revoire Simone
Best Song: Oh Rosie 
Rating: 7/10

          Foxes!'s chirpy eponymous debut album has brought a splattering of summery pop to the otherwise dreary month of January. Released on independent record label, Big Salad Records, the band hailing from Brighton have produced a whimsical album perfect for those rainy days when you just long for summer. Opening track, Aisle No. 3, seems reminiscent of children's TV programmes from the '90s with lead singer Kayla Bell's soft, breathy voice, maracas and cheery keyboard hooks; and the almost vintagey feel seems to carry on over the rest of the album as well.

          The Panda Bear Song is a joyful ditty to the plight of pandas in the world, and the delightful accompanying music video mimics those television charity appeals from the 70s complete with origami folding, juggling and magicians.

         However the stand out track on the album is Oh Rosie, and with a much richer guitar sound, it moves away from the tweeness of some of the other tracks on the album. The exhilarating fast pace of the song complete with frantic drumming and Bell's soothing melodic tone creates an exciting, energetic track far different from much of Foxes!'s other material.

        Although at first it might seem that the songs on Foxes! are lighthearted and humorous, on closer listening it becomes apparent that this is not necessarily the case. Descartes explores cancer and being resurrected 'just like Jesus did', whilst Who Killed Rob? is a cautionary tale of why not to eat an ice cream whilst cycling along the road (see video).
         With many of the songs barely even making it to 3 minutes, Foxes! is a brief but joyful album, and I much look forward to seeing what they have in store for us next in 2012.

Foxes! is out on Big Salad Records on Monday 16th January
For more information visit:

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