Monday, 26 March 2012

EP Review: People We Forget This Is Love - Super Best Friends Club

EP: People We Forget This Is Love
Genre: Physcedelic-pop
Best Track: Evolution
Rating: 8/10

           They always say 'never judge a book by its cover', and in this case, it couldn't be better advice. When Super Best Friends Club's new EP first arrived in my inbox, I expected twee banjos and cutesy airy-fairy vocals, but was in fact pleasantly suprised.

          Opening with Evolution, an exploration into tribal jungle madness,  the trippy physchedelic-pop of the collective immediately draws you in with a jazzy saxophone hook and  infectious drum beat. With frantic electrics and jeering, it's safe to say that Evolution is a track like none other, at times seeming to delve into the depths of a vast abyss of noise, whilst still maintaining its danceable, captivating pulse.

          Sunshine, Super Megatron is more laid-back - a refreshing approach to electro-pop with a poetic rhythm and almost trance-enducing melody; whilst Universe, Universe lets loose with a saxophone part dancing around the crashing piano chords.

         The EP closes with People We Forget This Is Love, a track  reminiscent of of Montreal in how it moves from a gentle melody and guitar to a more intense chorus with full vocals and brass section.

         Although only showcasing four tracks, it's clear that Super Best Friends Club has a lot more to offer than the somewhat weedy name suggests, and I for one am certainly excited to hear more of what the collaborative has in store for the future.

'People We Forget This Is Love' is out now
Visit for more information
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