Thursday, 24 March 2011

Blast from the Past

I recently discovered The Drifters again, and it's brought back such good memories! We always used to listen to their cassette tapes on long car journeys when I was about four, and so listening to their songs reminds me of old times! I guess what I like about them is that all there songs are such 'feel good' songs, and will always put me in a good mood.

Monday, 21 March 2011

The Ixpo Plant A Tree Scheme

I  was reading Dahl's post on The Arc en Ciel about this scheme and thought what a great idea it was! Ixpo work out how much carbon your blog produces, and then plants a tree for you, as long as you sign up to their initiative and put their 'carbon positive' button on your blog. According to Dr. Alexander Wissner-Gross (a physicist at Harvard University) an average visit to a blog produces around 0.02g of carbon, and so a blog that recieves 15,000 visits a month can produce up to 3.5kg of carbon a year. The UNFCC will plant a tree for each blogger who signs up to the scheme, and each tree helps to remove 10kg of carbon from the atmosphere, which means that your blog will actually be carbon positive by 6.5kg of carbon each year! Anything that helps the world is definititely worth a try, no matter how small - and as Tesco say, every little helps!

Visit their website to find out more

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Monday, 14 March 2011

1000 Visits

Woo! Just noticed that I have over 1000 blog visits! I know that's absolutely nothing compared to those people that have literally hundreds of thousands of visits, but it's still a huge amount to me especially when I never thought I'd even get 50 visits! So a huge thank you to all my followers :)

Saturday, 12 March 2011

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